Friday, September 28, 2012

11 Pounds Down!

So, it has been a little bit since I last posted. I believe we last left off at my clothing meltdown. All of the offending items have been returned and I have not been back to those stores. I have just decided that I am in between sizes at the moment and plan to wait a few more pounds before going back into the clothing jungle.
Now, to the latest and greatest news......*drum roll please* I am down 11 pounds! As of this morning, which is 10 weeks since I started tracking my weight, I am down exactly 11 pounds! I am pretty happy about that. Proud of my accomplishment. Maybe I will pick up a 10 pound dumbbell to feel the extra weight I am no longer carrying around. :)
While I am proud of my progress so far, I know I could be doing better. Leslie Sansone and I are not seeing as much of each other as we used to. I really enjoy her workouts and I don't feel like I am bored or worn out on them. It just seems that for whatever reason, the past few weeks I have not wanted to work out after work. Before work is NOT an option at this time. When I get home all I want to do is curl up in my bed with my Kindle and little Sammy. We watch Dr. Oz and sometimes take a little power nap.
Before this loss of energy, we would watch 30 min of Dr. Oz and then I would change and move to the living room and fire up the DVD. Perhaps my energy is low because I get up so early (4:45-5:00a)? I go to bed early and I don't really feel tired or like I am dragging at work. I have some B vitamins I bought a few months ago that I think I am going to start taking around 12:00p-1:00p to see if that helps. I feel like I just need a little afternoon boost of some sort that will help carry me through the 3:30-4:00 crash feeling. I know there are other friends out there going through similar battles with weight. I wish they lived closer, so we could have a work out group!
So my next goal is 10 more pounds (9 at this point!) and to try and get back to working out again. Fortunately, I have been very diligent with my eating. So, that has helped. I am still very proud of my 11 pounds, I just want to use this good news as a catalyst to kick it up a notch! Until next time! :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A 'ME' day with a side of discouragement...

Overall it was a good week. When I weighed myself on Friday, I had lost the pound I gained in Alabama plus a little more. So, I am at least now below what I weighed before the labor day holiday. This was encouraging.
So, I decided this Friday was going to be abut me.  I was way overdue to get my hair cut and my highlights touched up. I was actually due for a hair cut and such back in early July. I usually go every 8 weeks, so it was time. It was great catching up with her and as always she did an excellent job! After that appointment I went to go get a manicure. My friend Sharla gets Shellac and I always think her nails look fantastic. So, I asked for the number of her manicurist and made an appointment. My nails look great! She did a really good job and I will be sure to make her my regular person!
After all of that, I was feeling pretty good, so I decided to stop off at the mall on my way home. My wardrobe has felt pretty thin since I gained so much weight this year. Pants, etc. are at a minimum and shirts are hit or miss. I honestly feel like I rotate the same like 6 or 8 items every weekend. Work is not a big deal. I wear kakis and a work polo...I decided that a while ago to simplify things.
So, while I was perusing the racks I just didn't see anything that appealed to me. Is is just me or are all of the jeans these days 'skinny' or 'slim fit'? I have no interest in skinny all. Not even when I was at my best weight would they have appealed to me. They look cute on the skinny people...except MEN.... However, I have big calves, so right there, it looks really odd. I swear 97% of what I saw was a skinny fit. I found a few boot cut. I even tried on a pair that I think fit pretty good. I wasn't 100% sold on them and since I was out shopping by myself, I didn't have anyone to give an opinion. So, I left them.
Shirts are usually not as difficult. I went to two stores that I frequent and picked up a new shirt. Even t-shirts are starting to have 'slim' and 'skinny' cuts....WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT!? I feel like that is really code for 'little to no chest fit'. Again even at my best weight, I still have a chest and that does not work too well with 'slim' and 'skinny' cut. It has been a while since I went shopping, but I have to say, I am a bit disappointed in the world, has fashion really changed that dramatically? Maybe it just wasn't my shopping day. Maybe this is why I buy so many pairs of shoes?
So, this afternoon I tried on the new shirts I bought. They did not the slightest. Not even in the, 'I am almost there, I will keep it and fit into it' kind of way. So, needless to say, I had a pretty decent meltdown. Tears, anger, all major emotions made an appearance. Maybe it is just the cuts of the shirts. I really don't know. I do know I will be returning them tomorrow. I am trying not to get myself down about it, I know everyone goes through stuff like this. I know some of my clothes are looser, I am not imagining that. I just feel a little lost about it.
I wasn't sure I wanted to write about this and put it out there for the whole world to see. However, if I pick and choose what I want to share about my journey, then that sort of defeats the purpose of starting this blog. So, I would say in a sea of positivity so far, this has been a pretty big negative. I will keep going. I will keep my head up no matter how much I don't want to. However, I am currently soliciting recommendations for new places to shop. I see people of all shapes and sizes wearing cute stuff all the time. Where are they finding it? Where is this magical store? Please, spill the secret! Until next time. <3

Friday, September 7, 2012

Good Report!

So, it has been a little while since I posted on here. Things have been pretty busy! Last Monday I had a follow up appointment with my doctor. It has been a month since he changed my medicine. Well, when I got to the doctor and they weighed me, their scale read that I lost 9 pounds since I saw him on August 1st! I was pretty surprised and very happy! According to my home scale I was only down about 8 pounds. Dr. M said he was very happy with the progress I am making and to keep up the good work. I have to get blood work in October, but other than that he does not need to see me for 6 months! Unless I feel like something has changed and I need to see him. After having monthly doctors appointments for the last several months, this was great news!
That visit was just the motivation I needed! Not, that I wasn't motivated to begin with, but that certainly keeps it going! :)
I am still working out pretty regularly. For the past month I have been averaging 2 to 3 times a week. I am hoping to improve that to 3 to 4 days in the next month or so. I really like the Walk at Home DVD, I feel like I am really getting a good cardio workout. The Walk Away the Pounds DVD is good too, but I would say it is not nearly as intense as the other. So, I have not been using that one as much. Only on days where I am not feeling too well, but I want to get in some sort of exercise. I am hoping that with the fall coming on, I can go out to Cranes Roost on a more regular basis. I have always loved putting in laps over there. There is also a trail nearby that I would like to visit a little more often. Between the extreme heat and the afternoon showers, it has just not worked out.
I am still making good food choices and have totally cut out soda! I would say it has been at least 6 weeks since I last had one. Water or unsweet tea with Stevia is what I drink now. Also, I am having more fruit. I have settled into a pretty good routine. If I am out and about and the good choices are harder to come by, I just watch my portion sizes and that seems to be working. I still will indulge in a dessert every now and then. However, my sugar and carb cravings are much more controlled. It is like night and day how I feel now and how I felt a few months ago!
Last weekend we went to Alabama to see my Granny and my brother and his family. I planned ahead with healthy snacks and plenty of bottled water for our drive up. I did indulge in a McDonald's iced coffee, they are so good! When we got to Alabama, I told Carlos that I was not going to go crazy, but I would not deprive myself of some good home cooking. We went out to eat mostly while we were there. I paid attention to portion sizes. Fried catfish, okra, hush puppies. It was delicious! Haha! I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with my family! Sunday we went up on Cheaha Mountain and did a lot of walking and then hiked to the water falls. During the hike as difficult as it was, I know that the past month of workouts helped. Months ago, a day like that would have left me couch ridden for a few days after. I felt tired but energized after it was all over. It was a great workout! 
My little nephew Leland is growing like a weed and has so much to say! I also enjoy sitting and spending time with my Granny. I miss them terribly, but will go back for a visit as soon as I can.
This morning I did my traditional Friday weigh in and it looks like I gained about a pound on our trip. This is not a devastating thing, I was enjoying myself with family. If the cost of that is a pound, well then bring it on! Lol! Time to get back to my routine after a long weekend and a short work week. I am more motivated than ever and plan to keep chipping away at the number on the scale! :)