Friday, August 17, 2012

The Scale Moved! :)

So, it has been a little over a week since I last posted. It has been a GREAT week! I have been working pretty hard. I was a little discouraged when I weighed myself last Friday. The scale was exactly the same. I think with the help of my workout DVD's, I have been losing inches though. I never took any measurements, but I have felt a difference in my pants and shorts that make me think this. I also think my stomach has gone down a little. It seems like I carry most of my extra weight in my tummy and in my face, so those are usually noticeable first. Call me cautiously optimistic! Today I weighed myself and the scale finally moved! I am officially 6 pounds lighter! I am working in 10 pound increments. So, we are only 4 pounds away from my first goal! This definitely ups the motivation factor!

In at least 2 1/2 weeks, I have been soda free....I never thought I could live without the Sweet Nectar of the Gods...especially with an unlimited supply at work! Lol! Luckily, we have an ice and water machine and I have my insulated cup I fill up about twice a day. It has only been water, un-sweet tea with stevia and fat free (Lactose Free) milk for me.

I have also been watching my snacking and portions. I used to constantly graze at work around mid morning and especially mid afternoon. I have been alternating between a whole grain English muffin with a small amount of butter on it with yogurt and a piece of fruit OR a bowl of Fiber One cereal. Either of those seems to keep me satiated for a few hours. For a snack, I will usually have a granola square or a yogurt. Lunch consists of a sandwich, and sugar free jello pudding OR a yogurt, OR Fiber One bar. I have always heard that sometimes you are not hungry, just dehydrated. I am starting to believe that. Sipping on my ice water throughout the day seems to be helping.
There have been quite a few parties at work, people graduating, getting married, moving, etc. There have been a bunch of sweets in the office. Doughnuts, Cup Cakes, Cake (from Costco with about 6" of icing), and ice cream. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth that is just now getting under control.  Thankfully, I get off work at 3, so I am usually gone by the time the parties commence. There was a Pizza Party to celebrate a sales goal being met in another department. I stayed at my desk and stuck to my lunch I brought. I think I could say no now that I am seeing results. Yesterday a customer brought some pasta with calamari and other sea food in it. I came pretty close to having a bowl but I turned around and said to myself, 'we are not grazing at work anymore'. Lol! It looks like my willpower is coming back. Monday we are having another lunch for my department meeting a sales goal, it will be sandwiches, since that is a little safer, I will participate. This is why new hires are always told to beware of the 'REW 10'. It seems like there is always food around.

So, this has been a great week. I am pumped about my 6 pounds and the little bit of extra room around the waistband of my pants. It is a small step, but I know I am headed in the right direction!)

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